The police action drew swift international condemnation on Twitter, including from singer and rights activist Lady Gaga who called on authorities to “set an example for people to celebrate both Ramadan and pride in peace, instead of dividing with violence”. Any request for rights is met like this.” “This summarises what has been happening in Turkey. They just ask for a legal recognition,” said one supporter, who gave his name as Bulent.
“These people do not hurl stones and they never would. The parade has been held in the past and has been described as the biggest gay pride event in the Muslim world. Organisers said on Twitter they had been denied permission to hold the parade because it coincided with Ramadan this year. Critics say President Tayyip Erdogan and the ruling AK Party he founded have shown little interest in expanding rights for minorities, gays and women, and are intolerant of dissent. While homosexuality is not a crime in Turkey, unlike many other Muslim countries, homophobia remains widespread. #OnurYürüyüşü #LGBT #missokak /tCjohriwiy- Funda Eryiğit 28 Juin 2015